During 2016 KiwiSaver leapt to top ranking by size in the New Zealand retail investment sector – a position it is unlikely to relinquish any time soon.
KiwiSaver is growing FUM at twice the rate of the broader NZ retail funds market with the scheme assuming a greater influence on local capital markets with providers increasingly diversifying into offshore assets.
Since teeing off in July 2007, the quasi-compulsory retirement savings regime has rapidly grown to accommodate over 2.6 million members – or more than half the current population of New Zealand – with funds under management (FUM) pushing above $35 billion.
And Investment News NZ (IN NZ) publisher, David Chaplin, has been compiling comprehensive data on KiwiSaver competitors since day one. The latest IN NZ KiwiSaver report, titled ‘The front nine’, continues the rolling coverage of a sector barely recognisable from the 2007 starting field.
After nine rounds the KiwiSaver competition has been whittled down from more than 50 at its peak to just 30 players – a figure that has sunk further following the collective scheme reporting date of March 31 this year.
Based on data contained in those 30 schemes’ annual reports, ‘The front nine’ has found trends more-or-less consistent with previous results but with a few holes emerging as some players fell off their game while others clamber up the rankings.
As well as the usual bagful of data, the 2016 report also tees off a new round of enquiry with comparative figures on the nascent Australian superannuation transfer business. While KiwiSaver schemes picked up a relatively minor score of about $100 million off their Aussie cousins over the 12 months to March 31 this year (with just a trickle heading in the other direction), the trans-Tasman transfer sideline could be a significant source of future growth, particularly with the recent repatriation trend seeing Kiwis returning en masse from Australia.
The report plus a complete set of the data in Excel spreadsheet form is available for a not-unreasonable fee of A$285, with the results covering:
- Members
- funds under management trends;
- fees and expenses;
- investment returns;
- scheme transfers;
- and, other metrics.
Historical data is also available for purchase by negotiation.
Payment is by bank transfer or credit card.
Please contact the author at david@investmentnews.co.nz or
ph +64 6 878 4295 for further details.