NAB Asset Servicing has introduced several changes over the past 12 months which aim to provide more certainty that the business can deliver on its commitment to enhancing products and services to meet its clients’ needs. Under the stewardship of John Comito, the executive general manager, NAB Asset Servicing (NAS) has re-framed the narrative of… [Read More…]
Investment News
NZ fintech conference resizes for 2017 sequel
New Zealand’s pioneering fintech conference has lined up over 15 presenters for the follow-up to its hugely successful inaugural 2016 event. Headliners for the 2017 Finnotec, convened by Binu Paul, founder of online KiwiSaver comparison tool, SavvyKiwi, include Hong Kong-based tech investor, Peter Dingle, and Wellington’s own Kendall Flutey, head of award-winning financial education business, Banqer…. [Read More…]
Benchmark maker snaps back on non-voting shares
In a move set to hit tech darling Snapchat, index provider FTSE Russell has introduced new voting rights barriers for including certain stocks in its benchmarks. Under the new framework released last week, FTSE Russell says developed market equities in all its indexes “will in future be required to have greater than 5% of the… [Read More…]
Magellan chief tips tech to wipe index advantage
Passive investors could have the assumptions kicked out from under them by technology, according to Hamish Douglass, head of Magellan Asset Management. In a newsletter marking the 10th anniversary of the wildly popular Magellan Global Fund, Douglass says the ability of index investing to provide “reliable absolute returns” to date has rested on two fundamental… [Read More…]
Actuaries make retirement wish-lists
In the run-up to the September general election, Jonathan Eriksen, head of the eponymous Auckland-based actuarial consulting firm, has called for a three-pronged reform of the KiwiSaver regime that would re-establish banished incentives and introduce greater flexibility. Eriksen said his KiwiSaver “election wish-list” would see both the dropped $1,000 ‘kickstart’ payment and employer contribution tax… [Read More…]
Local investors could miss out as Trump policy misfires, AMP Capital ‘slightly defensive’
Socially responsible screens could prevent NZ investors from exposure to growth generated by the one major US government-spending item likely to pass muster, according to Greg Fleming, AMP Capital head of investment strategy. Fleming says with President Trump’s promised healthcare – defeated last week in the US Senate – and infrastructure spending plans stalled only… [Read More…]
Advice groups agree to agree as reform law looms
A trio of New Zealand’s financial adviser organisations are stepping into the unknown after reaching approval last week to form a new pan-industry body. Michael Dowling, Institute of Financial Advisers (IFA) chair, said the three groups involved in the reboot “don’t know yet” how many of their respective members would transition to the proposed Financial… [Read More…]
The five key threats to wealth creation – Russell
The 19th annual Russell Investments/ASX long-term investing report shows the risk for Australian investors who “steadfastly” rely on a singular asset class to achieve their long-term investment goals. For most, residential property is their biggest risk. The report, which offers a comprehensive comparison between the long-term returns of key domestic and global asset classes, finds… [Read More…]
Shore thing: Pathfinder shifts to bustling beachside boutique hub
Pathfinder Asset Management has joined a cluster of boutique fund managers with a shift to the beachside Auckland suburb of Takapuna. Previously based in the remote North Shore hinterlands, Pathfinder’s new Lake Road office in downtown Takapuna neighbours a host of other boutiques including Pie Funds, JMIS (including Clarity Funds), and wholesale manager, King Tide…. [Read More…]
New India fund open to NZ wholesale investors
Recently-launched wholesale financial education and compliance provider joint venture, Maxima, is marketing a new India fund to institutional investors in NZ. Maxima, a JV formed by Wellington firms Dynamique and Compliance Plus earlier this year, will be local point of contact for the Mauritius-based Seven River Fund. Launched in 2016, the approximately US40 million Seven… [Read More…]