Third-party fund marketing firm Heathcote Investment Partners has signed up about 300 delegates around to the country for its annual Meet the Manager (MTM) national roadshow, according to founder, Clayton Coplestone.
Coplestone said the high demand for spots at the invitation-only series of one-day events in NZ’s three major centres indicated strong appetite for specialist investment information.
“Investors and advisers are looking for new strategies in the low-return world we find ourselves in,” he said. “We’ve partnered with a wide range of managers – both local and offshore – across asset classes to give delegates an in-depth view of the risks and opportunities in today’s market.”
As well as regular Heathcote fund partners – such as Australian managers APN and Peters McGregor Capital (specialising in property and global equities respectively) – this year’s roadshow features several fresh faces.
For example, Indy Singh, head of ASX-listed financial services firm Fiducian will front up to discuss the global growth themes with focus on the group’s India fund recently launched in NZ under the trans-Tasman mutual recognition agreement.
“Indy has a great story to tell around the investment opportunity in India, which is rarely available in the NZ context,” Coplestone said.
Other MTM debutants include Allan Gray Contrarian Investing, Montgomery Investment Management and Australian boutique multi-manager Affluence Funds Management.
Also, this year Castle Point Funds Management joins the MTM parade courtesy of a presentation by portfolio manager, Stephen Bennie.
While Heathcote typically partners with offshore – mostly Australian-based – managers, the firm signed on the Tower Investment team spin-off Castle Point last year to grow its retail client base.
The full-day MTM roadshows are set down for consecutive days in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland over March 14-16.