“We feel there’s a need to lean on tech processes in order to grow…”
A recent comment made by a financial adviser suggesting they were already under the pump and needed to free up some time if they were to look to increase their portfolio of customers.
Coupled with the suggestion that there is more admin than ever before with the new regulations, there is a definite need to find faster ways to manage the investment process.
OMNIMax Software Solutions are looking to help advisers take back control and find faster ways to manage their investment advice process with their ‘out of the box’ investment solution. ‘Out of the box’ or ‘off the shelf’ referring to software alike you’d buy in a shop, like word or excel, that are quick to setup and don’t cost the earth – once installed are ready for use.
Matt Isbister of Isbister Partners affirms; “The workflow helps speed up the process by taking away the need to manually enter data and text as much as possible. It also ensures you are meeting your compliance requirements around record keeping and providing advice”. Isbister also credits time savings of up to 2-3 hours per client investment plan, it’s now an integral part of his process.
Similar to their KiwiSaver solution the Investment equivalent includes an online fact find, automated SOA production and authority to proceed sign-off functionality for clients to authorise the advice. All the adviser needs to do is to select and fill in their recommendation.
Jonathan Taylor, OMNIMax’s Managing Director said (about the boxed investment solution) “it’s a lighter version of our full advice solution and a great way to test out using a digital solution without too much outlay at the start. We’ve found in the 18 months since we launched the boxed solutions our clients are using the KiwiSaver version to dip their toes in the water, then once they get comfortable using this, they then add investment to their solution, it works the same and takes very little time for advisers to adjust.
It seems a bit of a no brainer, when the adviser to client ratio is ever increasing, to leverage tech to work smarter and save time.
The OMNIMax Boxed Investment Solution starts at just $299/month for a single adviser so get in touch for your obligation-free demonstration.